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Unmanned Aerial Systems & Services Provider

Drones have been around for more than two decades, but their roots date back to World War I when both the U.S. and France worked on developing automatic, unmanned airplanes. But the last few years have been significant in terms of drone adoption, usage expansion across industries, and global awareness.

From technically manning sensitive military areas, to luring hobbyists throughout the world, drone technology has developed and prospered in the last few years. Individuals, commercial entities, and governments have come to realize that drones have multiple uses.

What We Offer

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Drone Certification & Training


Medical & Payload Delivery

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Agricultural & Environmental

Internationally recognised drone certification

Deliver payloads to typically inaccessible regions

Emerging innovations in crop technology that are helping to improve agriculture and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals


Surveillance and Security

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Emergency Services


Mapping and Surveying

Aerial surveillance is critical to providing safety and security to sensitive locations

Forward-thinking teams are using UAVs to improve emergency prevention, response, and recovery operations

Survey drones generate high-resolution Orth mosaics and detailed 3D models

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Our Vision

Avientor believe in the long-term potential of drone technology in Sri Lanka and have recruited the best team capable of delivering on our vision. We hope to partner with the Civil Aviation Authority Sri Lanka in guiding the country towards becoming leaders and pioneers in drone technology development and certification.


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